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Experiment status

You can navigate to the Analysis page by clicking on the icon from the left-hand manu. Each experiment has an associated status which indicates the current state of the experiment. An experiment can have one of 4 different statuses:

  1. Draft - The initial state after the experiment is created
  2. Running - The active state where the experiment is assigning subjects and/or updating the metric event data
  3. Ready for Review - The state where a decision can be made, either because the primary metric is statistically significant for a sequential/Bayesian test, the precision target has been hit, or the end date has been reached. The experiment may still be assigning subjects and/or updating the metric event data if the end date has not yet been reached.
  4. Wrap Up - The state where the end date of the experiment has been reached and Eppo is no longer automatically updating results, but requirements to make a decision have not been met
  5. Concluded - The state where a decision regarding the experiment has been made

Experiment Statuses

If you hover on the progress bar for an experiment you can view more details about why your experiment has reached that status.

Status hover

Requirements to Move to the Next Experiment Status

StatusNon-Eppo Randomized ExperimentEppo Randomized Experiment
  • Experiment key added
  • Active variation added
  • Experiment started (the assignment start date passed)
  • Go to RUNNING if…
  • Experiment key added
  • Active variation added
  • Experiment started ("Start Experiment" button pressed)
  • Primary metric is statistically significant for a sequential/Bayesian test
  • OR Precision target has been reached for a sequential/Bayesian test
  • OR Experiment ended (Later of the end dates entered by the user has passed)
  • AND there is no traffic imbalance
  • [Optional] AND Minimum requirements have been met

  • Go to WRAP UP if…
  • A traffic imbalance exists
  • [Optional] OR minimum requirements have not been met
  • AND Experiment ended (Later of the end dates entered by the user has passed)

  • Go to CONCLUDED if…
  • Decision made (user clicks the “Make Decision” button and fills out the outcome and decision) - This will update the end date if going from RUNNING to CONCLUDED
  • Go to READY TO REVIEW if…
  • Primary metric is statistically significant for a sequential/Bayesian test
  • OR Precision target has been reached
  • OR Experiment ended (User stops assignments & event analysis date has passed)
  • AND there is no traffic imbalance
  • [Optional] AND Minimum requirements have been met

  • Go to WRAP UP if…
  • A traffic imbalance exists
  • [Optional] OR minimum requirements have not been met
  • AND Experiment ended (Later of the end dates entered by the user has passed)

  • Go to CONCLUDED if…
  • Decision made (user clicks the “Make Decision” button and fills out the outcome and decision) - This will stop assignments if still on and update the end date if going from RUNNING to CONCLUDED

  • Uncommon situation: If the event analysis end date is set to run longer than when assignments are stopped, clicking “Stop Assignment” will not change the experiment status from RUNNING. The experiment will remain in the RUNNING status until the larger of the two end dates have passed. Once that date has passed, the experiment will move into the READY FOR REVIEW status.
    READY FOR REVIEWNote: This step is skipped if user clicks “Make Decision” from the RUNNING state

    Go to CONCLUDED if…
  • Decision made (user clicks the “Make Decision” button and fills out the outcome and decision) - This will update the end date if going from READY TO REVIEW to CONCLUDED
  • Note: This step is skipped if user clicks “Make Decision” from the RUNNING state

    Go to CONCLUDED if…
  • Decision made (user clicks the “Make Decision” button and fills out the outcome and decision) - This will stop assignments if still on and update the end date if going from READY TO REVIEW to CONCLUDED
  • WRAP UPNote: This step is skipped if user clicks “Make Decision” from the RUNNING state

    Go to CONCLUDED if…
  • Decision made (user clicks the “Make Decision” button and fills out the outcome and decision) - the dates are not affected
  • Note: This step is skipped if user clicks “Make Decision” from the RUNNING state

    Go to CONCLUDED if…
  • Decision made (user clicks the “Make Decision” button and fills out the outcome and decision) - the dates are not affected
  • User reopens the experiment - this allows them to edit the date ranges and the decision made
  • Go to READY TO REVIEW if…
  • User reopens the experiment - this allows them to edit the event analysis date ranges and the decision made