Analyzing Clustered Experiments
In a standard A/B test, the analysis unit matches the randomization unit. For example, it is common to split users (the randomization unit) randomly between multiple variants and then analyze "per user" metrics such as conversion rate (defined as the percentage of users who convert) or average revenue per user.
However, there are cases when it is desirable to define an analysis unit that does not match the randomization unit. Typically, these cases arise when randomizing at the same grain as the analysis would lead to undesirable interference effects. Examples include:
- A business wants to measure a treatment effect on the metric average order value. This metric has an analysis unit of an order; however, because users can have multiple orders, randomizing at the order level could lead to some users seeing multiple variants, which is an inconsistent user experience. Also, exposure to the treatment could change their behavior in a way that would persist even if they were later assigned to the control group. As a result, it's better to randomize at the user level, even though the analysis metric is "per order" rather than "per user."
- A business has other companies as customers. The business wants to measure a treatment effect on a "per user" metric. However, randomizing at the user level would lead to users from the same company receiving different treatment assignments, which may be problematic. For example, if the product is an internal messaging software, then an effective treatment could cause users in the treatment group to send more messages to their coworkers in the control group, which would also increase the engagement of the control group. As a result, it may be better to randomize at the company level rather than the user level.
Both of these examples illustrate use cases for running clustered experiments, meaning that we randomize groups of analysis units. Although clustered experiments can be useful for preventing interference issues, there is a statistical challenge because observations from the same cluster are not statistically independent. Treating observations from the same cluster as statistically independent typically leads to overconfident results (underestimating the variance).
Fortunately, Ratio Metrics address this issue based on the approach described in Deng et al. and recommended in Chapter 18 of Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments. The approach is to recognize that a metric defined at a finer grain than the randomization unit can be expressed as the ratio of two metrics at the same grain as the randomization unit. To illustrate this, we will outline two examples.
Example 1: Average Order Value (AOV)
Average order value is one of the examples mentioned in the Ratio Metrics documentation. Although we can recognize that it is a Ratio Metric because it is normalized by a count of orders rather than a count of assigned users (which would make it a Simple Metric), it is also a good example of a clustered metric. This makes this example a particularly helpful introduction because customers who use AOV are already running clustered experiment analyses, potentially without realizing it. Understanding how this familiar ratio metric is a clustered analysis provides the intuition for how Ratio Metrics accommodate more complicated clustered analyses.
Typically average order value is calculated in experiments that are randomized at the user level, but AOV is a "per order" metric. Each user can have multiple orders, so a user is a cluster of orders. As a result, we need to make sure that our statistical calculations recognize the user-level randomization rather than treat each order as an independent observation.
Starting from the definition of average order value which is defined by dividing revenue (sum of prices) by the number of orders (sum of items purchased or count of prices).
We can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the number of users in the experiment:
which we can rearrange as follows:
which can be expressed as the ratio of two simple metrics:
Both the numerator and the denominator are Simple Metrics whose analysis entity matches the randomization entity (a user). Recall that Simple Metrics automatically normalize by the number of users (the assignment unit). Therefore, to specify AOV as a ratio metric, the numerator is the sum of revenue, and the denominator is the count of orders.
Example 2: Calculating a User-Level Conversion Rate in a Company-Randomized Experiment
Another helpful example is calculating a user-level conversion rate in an experiment that is randomized at the company level rather than the user level. This example is similar to the previous one, except now the experiment is randomized at a coarser grain (previously, it was randomized at the user level; now, it is randomized at the company level). An interesting feature of this example is that it requires specifying conversion rate as a Ratio Metric even though it typically is specified as a Simple Metric in user-randomized experiments.
Starting from the definition of conversion rate which is defined by dividing the number of paying users by the number of all eligible users.
We can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the number of companies in the experiment:
which we can rearrange as follows:
which can be expressed as the ratio of two simple metrics (in this case, simple metrics are normalized by the number of companies):
Once again, both the numerator and the denominator are now Simple Metrics whose analysis unit matches the randomization unit (a company). To specify this metric in Eppo, create a Ratio Metric whose numerator is a count of paying users and whose denominator is a count of all users.
Running clustered experiments can be helpful in cases when randomizing at a coarser grain than the analysis unit helps mitigate interference effects. Eppo's Ratio Metrics allow users to conduct valid inferences for metrics that analyze units that are a finer grain than the experiment's randomization.