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Flutter Integration

Flutter Integration

Ensure the Eppo SDK is initialized when the app is launched or resumed from the background.

Use the Flutter AppLifecycleListener to initialize the SDK when the app is launched:

// An example of an EppoObserver that initializes the SDK when the app is launched
class EppoObserver extends WidgetsBindingObserver {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) async {
switch (state) {
case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
// Create subject and configuration
final subject = Subject(subjectKey: 'user-identifier');
final subjectEvaluation = SubjectEvaluation(subject: subject);
final clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration(sdkPlatform: SdkPlatform.flutter);

// Initialize the SDK
await Eppo.initialize('your-sdk-key', subjectEvaluation, clientConfiguration);

Add the EppoObserver to the WidgetsBinding:

void initState() {

Use evaluation methods to get the value of a feature flag or experiment.

final bool variation = Eppo.getBooleanAssignment(