The Eppo PHP SDK is easy to initialize while offering robust customization options, making it adaptable to various use cases such as custom caching requirements and background polling, exposing PSR-6/17, PSR-17, and PSR-18 interfaces.
Initialize the SDK
To complete basic initialization, you only need to provide an SDK key. Create an SDK key if you don't already have one.
use Eppo\EppoClient;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$eppoClient = EppoClient::init("<your_sdk_key>");
Advanced Configuration
The SDK provides several optional parameters during initialization to customize its behavior:
Initialization Options
stringDefault: undefined
Your Eppo SDK key. Required for initialization.
The base URL for the Eppo API.
LoggerInterfaceDefault: null
A callback that sends each assignment to your data warehouse. Required only for experiment analysis.
Must implement the Eppo\Logger\LoggerInterface
CacheInterfaceDefault: FileSystem cache
A PSR-6 compatible cache implementation for storing flag configurations.
ClientInterfaceDefault: automatic (Discovery)
A PSR-18 compatible client interface for making http requests.
RequestFactoryInterfaceDefault: automatic (Discovery)
A PSR-18 compatible client interface for making http requests.
Configuration Caching
The SDK can cache previously loaded configurations for use in future sessions. By default, it uses a filesystem cache, but you can provide your own PSR-6 compatible cache implementation:
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter;
$cache = new RedisAdapter($redisConnection);
$eppoClient = EppoClient::init(
Background Polling
A unique feature of the PHP SDK is its ability to poll for configuration updates in a background process. This ensures your application always has fresh configurations without blocking requests.
Create a dedicated poller file (e.g. eppo-poller.php
$eppoClient = EppoClient::init(
Run this as a separate process:
php eppo-poller.php
Assignment Logger
For experiment analysis, implement the LoggerInterface
use Eppo\Logger\LoggerInterface;
class Logger implements LoggerInterface {
public function logAssignment(AssignmentEvent $assignmentEvent) {
// Implement your logging logic here
The logger receives these parameters:
Field | Description | Example |
experiment (string) | An Eppo experiment key | "recommendation-algo-allocation-17" |
subject (string) | An identifier of the subject or user assigned to the experiment variation | UUID |
variation (string) | The experiment variation the subject was assigned to | "control" |
timestamp (string) | The time when the subject was assigned to the variation | 2021-06-22T17:35:12.000Z |
subjectAttributes (map) | A free-form map of metadata about the subject | { "country": "US" } |
featureFlag (string) | An Eppo feature flag key | "recommendation-algo" |
allocation (string) | An Eppo allocation key | "allocation-17" |
allocation (string) | An Eppo allocation key | "allocation-17" |
sdkMetadata (map) | SDK version of other SDK metadata | { "sdkName": "php", "sdkVersion": "1.0.0" } |
extraLogging (map) | Freeform map of additional data to log | {"appVer":"5.0.9","cluster":"a4"} |
More details about logging and examples (with Segment, Rudderstack, mParticle, and Snowplow) can be found in the assignment logging page.