Audit Logs
Audit logs are a record of all user actions performed on the platform across experiments, feature flags, metrics, and facts.
Audit logs are written to your warehouse in the eppo_entity_change_logs
table. Audit logs are updated every hour.
Audit Log Columns
- id
- entity_name - The table name of the entity that was changed
- record_id - The ID of the entity that was changed
- user_email - The email of the User who initiated the change
- timestamp - The date/time of the change
- data - JSON of the data that was changed
- INSERT - The contents of the new record
- UPDATE - The contents of only the columns being updated
- DELETE - The contents of the record being deleted
- propagated_at - Date/Time of when the change was propagated to the customer's Data Warehouse
User actions recorded in Audit Logs
Audit logs record the following changes:
- Experiments
- Experiment created
- Experiment configuration change
- Experiment metric changes
- Experiment refresh changes
- Metrics
- Metric created
- Metric updated
- Metric collection changes
- Definitions
- FactSQL changes
- AssignmentSQL changes
- PropertySQL FactSQL changes
- Entity changes
- Feature Flags
- Creation
- Update
- Deletion
- Allocation
- Experiment
- ExperimentMetricGroup
- ExperimentMetricGroupMetric
- ExperimentVariation
- ExposureSchedule
- FunnelMetricAggregation
- Metric
- MetricCollectionMetric
- MetricEventAggregation
- MetricEventEntity
- MetricEventMeasure
- MetricEventSource