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Provision Eppo users with SCIM


Provisioning users through SCIM is currently in closed Beta.

Provisioning users through SCIM (the System for Cross-domain Identity Management) provides a secure and automated way to create and manage Eppo users through your preferred IdP (Okta, Microsoft Entra and others).

We partner with WorkOS to provide a secure SCIM connection using the 2.0 version of the SCIM protocol. Please contact Eppo with the email of your IT admin; they will receive an onboarding email from WorkOS with an onboarding wizard containing the necessary information to complete the setup tailored to your organization.

Eppo offers support for:

  • Provisioning new users
  • Updating user profiles: name & role.
  • De-provisioning users

Users created with SCIM can only be updated through your IdP.

Existing users can be populated through a programmatic process; please contact Eppo to request this.


Setup guide from WorkOS.

  • Create a new Okta app or use an existing one configured for SSO.
  • Enable SCIM provisioning.
enable SCIM provisioning

In the WorkOS setup console, you can now proceed to Step 2: Configure Okta API Integration. Scroll down until you see the Endpoint and Bearer Token.

configure Okta API Integration

You will copy these into your Okta app. Go to the Provisioning tab, then click on Integration in the side bar and click Edit.

configure Okta API Integration

Fill out the fields as shown in the screenshot above: Paste the base URL from the WorkOS setup guide into the SCIM connector base URL field.

  • For Unique identifier field for users, set to "email".
  • Check the Push New Users and Push Profile Updates.
  • For Authentication Mode, select HTTP Header and paste the Bearer Token from the WorkOS set up to the field.
  • Click Save.

Attributes and Roles on Okta

To setup Attribute Mapping, you will see that we support a custom attribute called eppoMemberRole. This optional custom attribute allows an IT admin to set the user's Eppo role from within the IdP.

That attribute can only have the following attributes (strings): default, viewer, experiment_editor, data_owner, admin

The default value is useful for migrating to managing roles in the Idp: it will keep the user's role as it is in Eppo, or if the user is new, it will assume the default user role as configured in Eppo.

configure Okta API Integration

Microsoft Entra

Setup guide from WorkOS.

  • Create a new Entra app or use an existing one configured for SSO.
  • Enable SCIM provisioning.

Attributes and Roles on Entra

Enable mapping for Microsoft Entra ID Users.

configure Entra custom attribute

Configure user mapping.

  • Add a custom attribute called eppoMemberRole. This optional custom attribute allows an IT admin to set the user's Eppo role from within the IdP.
  • Create mapping for the attribute eppoMemberRole from your organization or define it with a static value.
configure Entra custom attribute

Other IdPs

Eppo supports additional IdPs: OneLogin, PingFederate, Rippling and JumpCloud. Please contact Eppo for onboarding guides on these platforms.