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Guardrail cutoffs

A guardrail cutoff refers to a downside threshold that can be set on a metric. The guardrail cutoff is highlighted in yellow until we are fairly certain that the downside risk on this metric is sufficiently small.

Guardrail cut-off metrics are primarily useful to track metrics that an experiment is not supposed to positively impact, but you want to ensure that there is no negative effect either. A common use case is page load times: few experiments explicitly want to improve page load times, but likely most experiments want to avoid slowing down page load times. Guardrail cut-offs also enable non-inferiority testing when a metric with a guardrail is set as primary.

Create Guardrail metrics

Create guardrail metric

  1. Navigate to Metrics
  2. Click to edit a metric
  3. In Advanced Settings enable Add a guardrail cutoff
  4. Select the the threshold you would like to set for the cutoff

Guardrail metrics in experiments

Guardrail metrics in an experiment

A metric with a guardrail cutoff will appear with a Guardrail label and a grey boundary indicating the cutoff zone.

When a metric does not breach the cutoff threshold and is not statistically significant positive or negative, it will appear as grey with a check that the cutoff was not breached.

When the lower bound of a confidence interval breaches the cutoff threshold and is not statistically significant negative, it will appear as yellow with a warning that the cutoff was breached. In this case, you should consider not rolling out the variant given that the Guardrail metric was not above the pre-determined threshold.

When the lower bound of a confidence interval breaches the cutoff threshold and is statistically significant negative, it will appear as red just as any other statistically significant negative metric would.