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Swift implementation of the Eppo Randomization and Feature Flagging SDK.

The repository is hosted at

1. Install the SDK

While in XCode:

  1. Choose Package Dependencies
  2. Click + and enter package URL:
  3. Set dependency rule to Up to Next Minor Version and select Add Package
  4. Add to your project's target.

2. Initialize the SDK

Initialize with a SDK key, which can be created in the Eppo web interface:

EppoClient.initialize(sdkKey: "YOUR_EPPO_API_KEY");

During initialization, the SDK sends an API request to Eppo to retrieve the most recent experiment configurations such as variation values and traffic allocation. The SDK stores these configurations in memory so that assignments are effectively instant. For more information, see the architecture overview page.

If you are using the SDK for experiment assignments, make sure to pass in an assignment logging callback (see section below).

Define an assignment logger (experiment assignment only)

If you are using the Eppo SDK for experiment assignment (i.e randomization), pass in an assignmentLogger to the constructor on SDK initialization. The SDK will invoke this function to capture assignment data whenever a variation is assigned.

The code below illustrates an example implementation of a logging callback using Segment. You could also use your own logging system, the only requirement is that the SDK receives a logAssignment function which sends data into a table in your warehouse which Eppo has read access to. Here we create an instance of an AssignmentLogger and configure the EppoClient to use this logger:

// Example of a simple assignmentLogger function
func segmentAssignmentLogger(assignment: Assignment) {
let assignmentDictionary: [String: Any] = [
"allocation": assignment.allocation,
"experiment": assignment.experiment,
"featureFlag": assignment.featureFlag,
"variation": assignment.variation,
"subject": assignment.subject,
"timestamp": assignment.timestamp

name: "AssignmentLogged",
properties: TrackProperties(assignmentDictionary)

EppoClient.initialize(sdkKey: "mock-api-key", assignmentLogger: segmentAssignmentLogger)

The SDK will invoke the logAssignment function with an Assignment object that contains the following fields:

allocation (string)An Eppo allocation key"allocation-17"
experiment (string)An Eppo experiment key"recommendation-algo-allocation-17"
featureFlag (string)An Eppo feature flag key"recommendation-algo"
variation (string)The experiment variation the subject was assigned to"control"
subject (string)An identifier of the subject or user assigned to the experiment variationUUID
timestamp (string)The time when the subject was assigned to the variation2021-06-22T17:35:12.000Z
subjectAttributes (map)A free-form map of metadata about the subject. These attributes are only logged if passed to the SDK assignment function{ "country": "US" }

More details about logging and examples (with Segment, Rudderstack, mParticle, and Snowplow) can be found in the event logging page.

3. Assign Variations

Assigning users to flags or experiments with a single getStringAssignment function:

Task {
do {
try await EppoClient.initialize(sdkKey: "YOUR_EPPO_API_KEY");
self.assignment = try EppoClient.shared().getStringAssignment(
flagKey: "ios-test-app-treatment",
subjectKey: "test-user",
subjectAttributes: ["country": "US"],
defaultVariation: "control"
} catch {
self.assignment = nil;

It is recommended to wrap initialization in a Task block in order to perform network request asynchronously.

For applications wrapping initialization and assignment in an ObservableObject is recommended. This will create an object that will update Swift UI when the assignment is received.

class AssignmentObserver : ObservableObject {
@Published var assignment: String?

public init() {
do {
let client = try EppoClient.shared()
self.assignment = try client.getStringAssignment(
flagKey: "ios-test-app-treatment",
subjectKey: "test-user",
subjectAttributes: ["country": "US"],
defaultVariation: "control"
} catch {
self.assignment = nil;

The getStringAssignment function takes four required parameters to assign a variation:

  • flagKey - This key is available on the detail page for both flags and experiments. Can also be an experiment key.
  • subjectKey - The entity ID that is being experimented on.
  • subjectAttributes - An optional map of metadata about the subject used for targeting. If you create rules based on attributes on a flag/experiment, those attributes should be passed in on every assignment call.
  • defaultVariation - The default variation to return if the SDK is unable to make an assignment.

Typed assignments

Additional functions are available:
